In July 2010, I was able to go to Baja California with a friend. Part of our route traversed Federal Highway 2 (Mexico), which suffered some damage from the April 2010 quake. Hwy 2 had been repaired but the adjacent old alignment had not been. I was rather amazed at the amount of offset from this earthquake. I observed about 2′ of horizontal and about 5′ of vertical offset at the highway crossing.
East of the fault, bridge embankments on the Hwy 2 Mexicali Bypass show signs of settling.Offset right of way fence next to Hwy 2.Old alignment of Hwy 2, now offset by about 2 feet horizontally and 5 feet vertically.Side view of the old alignment showing the vertical offset.Breaks in the soil to the north. Two distinct scarps can be noted here.At the break, the old alignment now has a steep ramp and crack.