Category Archives: California

Image of the Week – 1/31/2016

The Arroyo Seco Parkway near Orange Grove Ave in South Pasadena, CA.
The Arroyo Seco Parkway near Orange Grove Ave in South Pasadena, CA.

Image of the Week – 1/18/2016

Hollywood Sign and Mt. Lee from Canyon View Drive
Hollywood Sign and Mt. Lee from Canyon View Drive

Old concrete near Riverside, CA

In the Belltown area of Riverside, CA, I found a rather interesting concrete roadway on 24th St. It appears to be a part of a former alignment of either Rubidoux Blvd, Market Street, or combination of the two. It dates to August 1931 and is in very good shape. What I found most interesting was the curve at Avalon St, which seemed to suggest its former importance as a Riverside to Colton roadway.

Looking westerly toward Avalon St on 24th St.
Looking westerly toward Avalon St on 24th St.
Curve at Avalon St, looking easterly.
Curve at Avalon St, looking easterly.
Date stamp from August 20, 1931.
Date stamp from August 20, 1931.

Why this roadway was built and when it was bypassed may remain a mystery for some time, however, it does show that you can still find old treasures like this in Southern California.


According the the magazine, California Highways and Public Works January-February 1948, Crestmore Road, as it was called then, was realigned under a Federal Aid contract. The construction began March 19, 1947 and was completed August 25, 1947. This work only involved the segment in Riverside County and the new alignment was paved with concrete.

Image of the Week – 12/27/2015

Old US 99 near Coolidge Springs, Imperial County, CA with the shoreline of Lake Cahuilla visible in the background.
Old US 99 near Coolidge Springs, Imperial County, CA with the shoreline of Lake Cahuilla visible in the background.

New license plate for my main motorcycle

After seeing a few vehicles with the new “Legacy” license plates that DMV is issuing, I thought I might convert my personalized plates to them as well. While both my motorcycles aren’t old at all (both are post-2000), they both carry plates with old highways on them. Yesterday, my Highway 99 plates came in. In about a month or so, my Highway 6 plates should be here as well. I think they look pretty cool and give US 99 a new (and fitting) look. Yes, my rear tire will be replaced soon.

New "Legacy" license plate for my Ninja 500R.
New “Legacy” license plate for my Ninja 500R.