Category Archives: California

Historic 99 Association?

I’ve been doing a bit of thinking lately regarding a 99 association here in California. I can’t seem to find one that exists. There are ones for US 6, US 66, the Lincoln Highway, and US 80. US 99, one of the most important roads in California, doesn’t have one. So, I am looking into creating one. Things are very preliminary at this point. The group would help increase awareness of the roads history, work with tourism and business groups to promote the road, work to save historic sections / buildings / bridges. Having a statewide organization would help further these goals.

Do you think there is interest in creating one? Would you like to get involved in any part of the process? Tell us what you think!

Featured Image – 10/7/2020

Historic US 99 indeed!

In addition to my license plate for my Honda CBR650FA, I have added a frame for the Ridge Route. In time, I hope to be able to get these made as a fundraiser for the Ridge Route Preservation Organization, and not just for motorcycles. I shall also be finally taking this plate, and the motorcycle over the entirety of the Ridge Route in the not-too-distant future.

Featured Image – 9/17/2020

Looking south toward the closed section of Highway 39 from Angeles Crest Highway (State 2) in 2009

A look back to happier times in the San Gabriel Mountains. Taken on August 22, 2009, just a few days before the Station Fire started. Over the past few days, this section of the mountains has burned in the Bobcat Fire, which is ongoing.

Dams of California

A while back, I found a really interesting presentation on dams throughout California. Everything from records to failures is covered. I encourage all interested to check it out.

East Los Angeles Interchange Signage

In 1958, when the East Los Angeles Interchange started to be built, the routes that were planned to go through it were a little different that what is there today. I-10 was originally to be State 26 and I-5 was a part of US 99. US 101 remained the same. State 60 was to be State 26. The routing of the interstates through cities wasn’t quite settled yet and many of the roads were planned to be State or US routes.

After the signs were installed, some of them were temporarily overlaid until the Pomona Freeway connections were completed. A portion of the original route planned for that freeway, State 26, was visible. While some have speculated it was actually US 60 underneath there, reverting to State 60 after the 1964 route renumbering, these plans show otherwise. How far east the State Route 26 signage would have gone does remain unknown. It is likely it would have gone at least as far as the 57, if not all the way to the 71, as US 60 was effectively terminated at the present junction of I-10 and State 71 about 1960.

1958 plans for signage at the I-5/I-10/US 101/SR-60 Interchange (58-7vc41)
1958 plans for signage at the I-5/I-10/US 101/SR-60 Interchange (58-7vc41)
Plans in 1960 reflecting the shift to more Interstates routes (60-7vc5)
Plans in 1960 reflecting the shift to more Interstates routes (60-7vc5

For additional photos and information about the interchange, head on over to the East Los Angeles Interchange page.