There is currently a fire, #RouteFire, burning on the Ridge Route near Templin Highway. I-5 is closed both directions and the Old Ridge Route may be in danger. For information, follow the Twitter feed for the Ridge Route Preservation Organization – @ridgeroute99.
Category Archives: Event
Earthquake Information
Felt an earthquake? Want to know where it was and how big? Follow the links below to get up-to-date information from the USGS and the California Geological Survey.
If you felt the earthquake, let the USGS know by contacting them at: “Did You Feel It?“ This data helps them determine magnitude of the earthquake, how the geology affects that, and how the type of structure reacts to the event. Most earthquakes larger than 4.0 are listed in the “Events” section of the page.
Additional Earthquake Information:
- Real-Time Map from the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN)
- Real-Time Map from the USGS
- USGS Earthquake Notification Service – Get e-mails from the USGS when earthquakes happen
- Live Seismograms Feed – Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)
M 3.6 – 4km NNE of Granada Hills, CA

On January 21, 2020, just a few days after the 26th anniversary of the Mw 6.7 Northridge Earthquake, we had another small jolt strike the San Fernando Valley. This one, while small, was felt over a wide area. If you are among the many that did feel it, the USGS wants to hear from you! These “Did You Feel It?” reports help them to understand earthquakes further.
Ridgecrest – Part 1
Finally posting the photos from my August 22, 2019 Ridgecrest trip. Part 1, which covers the fault rupture, is finally up. Part 2, which will cover the problems in Poison Canyon and Trona, are coming soon!
Featured Image – March 12 and 13, 2018
This featured image covers two dates for a reason. The St. Francis Dam, a former dam in San Francisquito Canyon above Santa Clarita, California, collapsed at 11:57:30 pm on March 12, 1928. The ensuing flood caused a great deal of damage along the canyon and the Santa Clara River Valley. Over 500 lives were lost that night in, even in 2018, the second largest disaster by loss of life in California. The even had repercussions throughout the world. Following that event, dams, as well as other large projects, no longer were approved by engineers. Geologists had the final say, not engineers. Both geologists and engineers also had to be certified by their state government to work as professionals.
The head engineer on the project, William Mulholland, was a great engineer. He oversaw and helped design the Los Angeles Aqueduct, which was the largest and longest project of its time. It is still an engineering marvel today, more than 100 years later. The disaster ruined his career and during the investigation, he not only took full responsibility for the event, but also was said to have “envied the dead”. The collapse took a big toll on the “Chief” and he died a few years later.
This post is in memory of both those that died that fateful night in 1928 and to William Mulholland. A man that went from the “Savior of the City” to a pariah in just a few years.