While I could write about my staying out at the southeast corner of Colorado Blvd and Lake Ave for almost 24 hours, parts may be boring. So, I’ll be brief. Except three years (1997, 2000, 2006), I’ve gone to the Rose Parade since 1995. The first time was with my dad, and we arrived around 4:30am. We were on the wrong side of the street and didn’t know what we were doing. We now know what to do. I was dropped off at the corner about 11:15am on the 31st, and was the first there at that corner. This year, I held spots for 12 people, 8 showed. That gave us plenty of room, right on the front row. Overall, it was a great experience. I always meet new people there. This time, the people adjacent to me were from Hanford and Las Vegas. I may not be there for the 2012 parade, but I will be there for the 2013 parade, weather permitting. Maybe I’ll see you there?