Category Archives: Highways

Image of the Week – 3/26/2017

Taylor St at US 80 (Now I-8) in 1960, looking east

Image of the Week – 3/19/2017

Old US 395 at Rush Creek in Mono County, CA near Mono Lake.

Image of the Week – 2/27/2017

I-5 and State 56 in Sorrento Valley, CA

Image of the Week – 2/16/2017

Elk grazing in the reserve to the east of current US 395 near Fish Springs in the Owens Valley.

New Ridge Route Video, sort of

After finally resolving some software issues, I have finally been able to start editing and posting videos again. My most recent one was taken in November 2015 along the Ridge Route from near Liebre Summit. It shows some of the issues the road is facing presently regarding erosion and a lack of maintenance.