Category Archives: Roads

Featured Image – 5/5/2021

“Crossroads Interchange” in 1958. Courtesy – Caltrans

This photo shows the I-10 / I-215 interchange in San Bernardino, California as it existed in 1958. At the time, those numbers didn’t quite exist. Back then, this was the junction of US 70, US 91, US 99, US 395, and State 18. The view is looking south along what is now I-215 with the Santa Ana River bridges in the foreground. The bridge to the left was US 99 until the 1930’s. The two bridges to the right are still around, though widened.

Featured Image – 4/7/2021

Today’s featured image is a video. This was taken just a few days ago on the Old Ridge Route near Swede’s Cut. A rockfall in January 2021 has partially blocked the roadway with more material coming down in the near future. The rock, located in the Ridge Route member of the Ridge Basin Group, isn’t all that stable. Landslides still plague I-5 despite more modern construction methods.

For additional information check out the
Ridge Route Preservation Organization

Calexico Update

Today, the Historic Highway 99 Association of California with the City of Calexico, posted new Historic Route signs at the south end of old US 99. Come see the photos!

Air Raid Sirens

Curious about those sirens around Los Angeles? This person mapped them all and has information about each one as well.

Ridge Route Alternate Presentation

On Tuesday, April 6 at 6pm, I will be giving a presentation via Zoom on the Ridge Route Alternate section of US 99 during the regular monthly meeting of the Historic Highway 99 Association of California. It will cover the history of the roadway from its original construction through to its replacement by I-5 from Castaic to Tejon Pass. The presentation will include some rarer photos of the route and have time at the end for questions. Come join us and learn a bit about the history of US 99 in Southern California!

To register for the presentation, use the link below: