The City of San Diego has expanded the use of “sharrows” along Park Blvd to now include the section from I-5 to Market Street. This is helpful for cyclists climbing Park Blvd out of downtown San Diego, though still lacks “Bikes May Use Full Lane” signs as used on 6th Avenue.
Looking north from Russ Blvd past San Diego High School.
From June 30 to August 7, 2014, the Murphy Canyon Bike Trail will be closed due to a sewer project. This will block access from Friars Road to Aero Drive along Murphy Canyon Road/Trail. A detour is available, though lengthy and involving a very steep hill using Mission Village Drive, Ruffin Road, and Aero Drive to return to Murphy Canyon Road.
Cuyamaca Peak in San Diego County is a really steep but rewarding hike. From the 6512′ summit, a wide area of San Diego backcountry can be seen. In May 2014, the trip up the mountain was just as interesting. Many different types of wildflowers were in bloom, which added a nice touch to the still evident devastation caused by the 2003 Cedar Fire.
Looking up the trail, many dead trees can be seen from the 2003 fires.Lupine alongside the road to the summit.Indian Paint Pot flowers, I think.At the summit, looking northerly toward Palomar Mountain and Santa Ysabel Valley.
In the 1950’s, a section of what is now the 15 in San Diego was built. Known then as the Wabash Freeway, it ran from Harbor Blvd to 40th St in the City Heights area. Today, it is known as the 15 freeway and has been upgraded significantly. Access to the old freeway was a bit different than today. Nile Street in North Park used to have a direct connection with the freeway. Today, Nile Street ends in a park. A section of the old ramp still exists, however, as an access to the park.
Base of the Nile Street Ramp.
1950’s railing still intact.
Raised median and railing on the Nile Street Ramp.
1963 aerial view showing the Nile Street ramp and the old configuration of the Wabash Blvd Freeway. Note the “ghost ramp” where I-805 now branches off just north of the Nile Street ramp. Courtesy – UCSB Archives
In the City of San Diego, there are many roadways with problems. Some are badly cracked, crumbling, filled with potholes, and worse. The City has been working toward repaving a lot of roads over the past couple years, which has helped greatly. However, more is needed. In the case of smaller problems, you can contact the City online and report issues. I’ve done this for many locations and have had good results. The latest was to help correct a striping problem on Park Blvd. Bike lanes were added on Park Blvd between Morley Field Drive and Cypress Ave. To do so, the median of the roadway had to be reduced. This left older, albeit somewhat faded, striping left behind. This striping tended to confuse motorists who would then either drive in the bike lane or really close to it, when they had a lot more lane left. Having had some problems here myself with this issue, I contacted the City and they fixed it. I strongly encourage anyone to make these requests and help make our city a better place to live.
Before the striping was fixed. You can still see the old setup.
Southbound from Cypress Ave. Note how the old striping is far to the right from the new stripe.
Northbound toward Cypress Ave. The old striping was painted over in black.