Despite the heat, the tour still went on today. Only one person showed, hopefully more will show next time (and with better temperatures). We explored the Cajon Pass area from Devore to the Summit, finding a few new things along the way. After the tour, we headed toward Grand Terrace to check out a bit of old US 91 / 395 / State 18 at the Santa Ana River. I will post more in the next day or so, though here are a few of the photos taken today.
See you out there in the Cajon Pass on Saturday, August 12 at 8 am. While it will be warm, the tour should be a lot of fun. Make sure to bring water and good shoes to walk in. There will be more tours in the future, the next one will be in late September covering either US 99 from Los Angeles to Grapevine or US 80 from San Diego to Ocotillo.
After reviewing the weather forecast for August 12 in the Cajon Pass area, it will be hot. Potentially, a bit over 100 degrees. As such, I am changing the start time of the tour to 8 am instead of 10 am. The start location is still the same in Devore, CA. I know that is a bit of a change, but an earlier start will help with the heat. I strongly recommend bringing water and a hat. If it gets hotter, I may postpone the tour until a later date, most likely September 9.
If anyone has questions about the tour or is interested in attending, please let me know. Thank you and I hope to see you out there!
Just north of Kenwood Road looking toward Keenbrook. Burn area is evident near the trees in the distance as well as in the mountains.
After taking a small poll on this site regarding possible highway tours, the results are in. It would seem that the Cajon Pass area was the most popular. As such, it will be the first tour given. Unless conditions warrant otherwise, the first tour will be on August 12, 2017. It will begin at the San Bernardino Metrolink station at 10 am. While a more exact itinerary will be created in the near future, the tour will cover the highway as well as the geology from the train station to Cajon Summit. The tour will be in a caravan style with specific stopping points. There may be some short hikes as well to see old pavement, alignments, or bridges. There will also be no cost for the tour. Please RSVP as soon as you can so I can get an idea of how many may show. It should be a lot of fun and I hope to see you out there!
After having done a fair amount of research into how roads in Southern California are tolled and how each agency handles the tolling itself, I decided it was time to add another page to the site. Seeing as how each agency uses FasTrak in a different way and that there are, at least for now, five different agencies, each with their own transponder, in the region, it was time to help clarify some things. Please use the link below to access the new page. I hope the new page helps explain the confusion that is FasTrak.