I’ve slowly been working on adding more pages to my Historic Bridges of Southern California section. Los Angeles County is next and is being worked on now. While the format is still a bit “fluid”, the page should be up soon. Look to the main Historic Bridges section for updates in the next couple weeks.
Category Archives: Updates
New license plate for my main motorcycle
After seeing a few vehicles with the new “Legacy” license plates that DMV is issuing, I thought I might convert my personalized plates to them as well. While both my motorcycles aren’t old at all (both are post-2000), they both carry plates with old highways on them. Yesterday, my Highway 99 plates came in. In about a month or so, my Highway 6 plates should be here as well. I think they look pretty cool and give US 99 a new (and fitting) look. Yes, my rear tire will be replaced soon.

Ridge Route and US 99 Update Coming
This weekend, I am traveling to the Liebre Mountains to inspect the damage from the recent storms on the Ridge Route, Grapevine Canyon, and the Ridge Route Alternate. I plan to inspect in detail those sections and take lots of photos. Updates on the status of the roadway will be initially via my Twitter account (@SocalRegionWeb) with a post update following. The sections I plan to cover in detail are Palomas Canyon (Five Mile Grade), Three Mile Grade, Ridge Route from State 138 to the Tumble Inn, Tejon Pass, and Grapevine Canyon. I’ll be taking my 2014 Kawasaki KLR 650 which will allow me access to more of the highway. Stay tuned for updates.
Highway Resources Page
I’ve recently added a new section to the socalregion website. I noticed the site was lacking in resources for local roadways. In particular, information on how to contact various local agencies for road projects, logs, and maintenance. With this in mind, I’ve added a new page to help others get their roads fixed and find out more information about those roadways. I’ve called it the “Southern California Highway Resources” page, which can be found on the Southern California Highways page and via this link.
Website Polls
Over the next month, I will be running a series of polls to determine what sections of the website need updating and expansion. As there are many sections that I can work on and limited time to do so, I am asking you, the readers, to help me decide what to update first. Irregular updates will still continue as usual, but special attention will be given to those sections that are most popular. Please, use the polls in the left sidebar to give us some feedback. You can also use the comments page in addition should you wish to give any additional feedback. We’d love to hear from you.