Long Beach Freeway
Runs from Long Beach at the 47 (Terminal Island Freeway) to the 210/134 interchange with break in the route through Alhambra and South Pasadena
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The break in the freeway has been fought for the past 30 years by the residents of South Pasadena. It has caused traffic jams, increased pollution, increased wear on the area roadways, and general hassle. Caltrans, as well as a few other cities in the area, had wanted to see it built but the project was officially canceled in 2018. Earlier plans for the completed freeway included interchanges at Valley Blvd, Huntington Drive, Monterey Avenue, State 110 (Pasadena Freeway), and California Blvd. More recent plans have eliminated the State 110 interchange.
After the 105 was built, SR-42 was supposed to be gone. Most of it was relinquished in mid 1998. In early 2000, all of it was gone.
Many signs still point to its Pasadena destination. Some point to Valley Blvd.

Both Route 7 shields have been removed. For a short time in the mid 1990’s, the sign on the 405 SB to 710 NB carried a SR-7 shield. It was later covered up.