Many old alignments of Sierra Highway can be found here. They were bypassed in 1934 when large sections of this highway were realigned. As this highway was bypassed in 1963, few businesses remain along this route. The old Oaks Cafe is now Le Chene – a French restaurant. It was used in the movie “Duel”. Today, the route serves mostly local traffic, though there is an increase of long-distance commuter traffic as State 14 gets busier. In winter, this canyon can be quite treacherous and frequently washes out between Sleepy Valley and Davenport Road.
1937 USGS map showing upper Mint Canyon from Rush Canyon to Agua Dulce
Typical view of Sierra Highway through Mint Canyon Taken near Davenport Road
Culvert over the Mint Canyon Wash on the 1934 re-alignment.
Longer section of intact 1921 concrete. Its location in the streambed is the cause of most of the burial problems in this canyon.
Barely visible to the right of the motorcycle, a short section of 1921 concrete is buried here.
Near Rush Canyon
Old alignment in Mint Canyon near Sleepy Valley. This concrete is from 1921.
Looking toward Sleepy Valley along the 1921 alignment
1927 view of Sierra Highway near Eastern Ave, looking south / west.
Oaks Cafe sign next to Le Chene.
North view of the old Oaks Cafe (now Le Chene Restaurant) and Sierra Highway
Old motel, formerly the Sierra Pelona Motel, just north of Le Chene