In going through some of my archives, I found an early copy of my website. The page below is was a part of the first version of the site, going back to late 1995. The first published version was in mid-January 1996. The links have been removed, as some of the pages and e-mails no longer exist. The original URL was “”. The site would later be known as the “Santa Clarita Valley Resources Page” with the domain added in January 2001.
There is also a “paper version” of the site from late 1995, when I was still working to design the first page.

Enjoy a blast from the past!
Mike Ballard’s Home Page
Welcome To My Web Page
Hi there, As you well may know my name is Mike Ballard. I am 17 years old. Both Geology and Computers have been my life for a long time. I have been on the internet for a couple of months and have been BBSing for about two years now.
Programming has been a hobby of mine for about one and a half years. I program in Visual Basic, Turbo Pascal and soon Quick C. After learning that my internet provider allows its users to create their own home pages, I just couldn’t wait to have one. So here it is! I plan on going to Colorado School Of Mines in a couple of years and getting a Ph. D. In Structural Geology.
Other Interests:
- Rollercoasters
- Hang Gliding
- Hiking
- Mountain Biking
- Pinball Machines
- Trains and Mass Transit – Pacific Electric, Los Angeles Metro
These are some of my favorite places to visit on the net:
- United States Geological Survey Home Page
- The ETEXT Archives
- Weather Info For the United States (this link went to a Gopher page!)
- SmartLink’s Home Page (my original ISP from Santa Clarita)
- Yahoo!
Here is a brief description of the local geology of the Santa Clarita Valley.
SCV Geology
GeoTech Programming Area
GeoTech began about two years ago when I dabbled into a little QBASIC programming. The first program I ever made was a simple BBS listing program that created a list form the users input. Then after a couple of months I made Document Writer v1.0 – a word processor to create documentation for my programs .It has since evolved into a Word Processor that has many features such as time
stamps, etc. I have made many programs since then but not all are available to the public.
To see the online catalog click here => CATALOG
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This Page was created : January 17, 1996