Driving across the Mojave Desert between Barstow and Las Vegas along the 15 can be a “boring” drive at times for many. The desert is filled with all sorts of unique features to see if you know where to look. In Cronese Valley between Basin Road (Exit 230) and Rasor Road (Exit 233), lies one of those unique features on the mountain to the northwest of the freeway and is visible for many miles. It is called the “Cronese Cat”. The cat isn’t actually a cat but a geological formation composed of sands blown by the winds up a small canyon on Cronese Mountain. The formation looks like a fluffy tan colored cat sleeping on the side of the mountain with its tail laying to the side.

Next time you’re traveling along the 15 between Barstow and Las Vegas or coming back, make sure to look out for the Cronese Cat slumbering on Cronese Mountain.