Check out this great website. the California Coastal Records Project, for aerial photos, some going back to 1972 covering the entire California coastline.
St Francis Dam Disaster Presentation
A car passed by the St. Francis Dam on the way to Powerhouse 1 on March 12, 1928. The driver saw a torch light at the base of the dam, and figured the dam keeper, Tony Harnischfeger was down at the base of the dam. A little while later, a motorcycle passed by the St. Francis dam just before midnight. The driver, Ace Hopewell, glanced over to the dam as he passed. All was calm. One can imagine how beautiful it was in the moonlight, giving off a white glow. He continued on his way to Powerhouse 1, where his shift began at midnight. A few minutes later, he heard a terrible crash. He stopped his motorcycle, smoked a cigarette and listened to the loud crashing sound. The area was known for landslides in the area….the Pelona Schist was unstable and often collapsed on to the road. He listened until the sound began to subside, and carefully, he continued on to work, looking for fallen rock. It wasn’t until he arrived at Powerhouse 1, that he was told that the St. Francis Dam had gone out. He was the last living person to see the dam intact.
Join the Historic Highway 99 Association of California on Tuesday, October 5 at 6:30 pm, for the story of the St. Francis Dam, the 2nd largest tragedy in California as far as loss of life. Presented by the St Francis Dam National Memorial Foundation.
Please register for the meeting using the link below:
City of Madera Historic US 99 Signs
The Historic Highway 99 Association of California just received approval for posting Historic Route 99 signs within the City of Madera. This exciting news! If you’d like to donate, they have set up a fundraiser on their site.
Fire on the Ridge Route
There is currently a fire, #RouteFire, burning on the Ridge Route near Templin Highway. I-5 is closed both directions and the Old Ridge Route may be in danger. For information, follow the Twitter feed for the Ridge Route Preservation Organization – @ridgeroute99.
September 2021 Presentation- Updated
The link in the newsletter for the presentation was incorrect and has been corrected. Please use this new link to sign up.
Join Michael F Ballard and the Historic Highway 99 Association of California for a presentation on the history of US 99 and the Newhall Pass on September 14, 2021 at 6pm via Zoom. The history of the roadway will be covered from the Newhall Tunnel in 1910 to the HOV ramp at the I-5 / State 14 interchange in 2012. Q&A to follow the presentation. Please register using the link below.–rpzIoGdxQYOYkViOpSZQHqw2rEpl1