Looking up the canyon from the West Fork San Gabriel River Bridge (53-2244). Taken in 2016.
Looking toward South Mount Hawkins in the West Fork San Gabriel Canyon from State 39. This road was planned to be improved but landslides prevented this work from being completed. In the case of this area, almost all of the low lying areas not covered in snow are landslides in one form or another. Even Crystal Lake, where this roadway is headed, exists because of landslides.
1970’s proposal for the State 1 and State 55 Interchange (Pacific Coast Freeway and Newport Freeway). Courtesy – Caltrans
Back in the 1970’s, California was “all about the freeway” it seemed. Build them so that people could go anywhere using one. Anywhere, at times, meant an offshore causeway (Pacific Coast Freeway) or over high mountain ranges where even a two-lane roadway has problems (Angeles Crest Expressway), regardless of the costs or necessity. One of these plans, the Pacific Coast Freeway, never really came to fruition. Portions were indeed built, such as the interchange with I-5 near Dana Point and through the Oxnard Plain. The section that was proposed to go through Newport Beach would be the end of the plan. Local opposition was quite heavy, which cascaded to every city along the path also saying no to the project. The image above is an artists rendering of what would have been the State 1 and State 55 interchange near the present intersection of Newport Blvd (State 55) and Hospital Road.
As an addition to the “High Points” on the Highways pages, I have added a new page which summarizes all the major passes in Southern California. Postmiles, or mileposts, have also been added as well to the list. If you see any missing or find some errors in the data, let me know.
Shakemap from USGS showing the extent of shaking and major fault lines
On January 21, 2020, just a few days after the 26th anniversary of the Mw 6.7 Northridge Earthquake, we had another small jolt strike the San Fernando Valley. This one, while small, was felt over a wide area. If you are among the many that did feel it, the USGS wants to hear from you! These “Did You Feel It?” reports help them to understand earthquakes further.