Geologic Report

In January, I was asked to do some research regarding the potential for a landslide on the Ridge Route near Templin Highway. I thought it would be a good opportunity to get some practice writing a geologic report. While I’m not a professional geologist, I still find it a lot of fun to do . I added a copy of the report on this site, available for download. I would love to hear feedback from any other geologists out there.

Ridge Route Geology Study – Preliminary

Featured Image – 3/30/2019

Old US 60 / 70 in Chuckwalla Valley between Desert Center and Blythe.

Site Update – HTTPS

This site is changing to https instead of http. I’m hoping that the changes I have made to the files are working properly and will redirect to the https version of the site. If you’re experiencing trouble, please let us know.

Featured Image – 12/11/2018

Original paving in Grapevine Canyon

This is a section of abandoned roadway, paved in 1919, within Grapevine Canyon, near PM 8.0 on the east side of the canyon. This section was bypassed in 1933 by a newer alignment of US 99.

US 6 on US 6

In mid-October, I went on a road trip, part of which covered a section of US 6. It was the first time I had taken US 6 on a motorcycle, let alone my US 6 plated one. I felt it was a good opportunity to take a photo.

Your Resource For Highways, Geology, Railroads, History, Bicycling, And More Throughout Southern California Since 1995.