There have been a few things going on as of late which have taken me away from working on the site. I have a backlog of photos to add to my US 6 tour from a trip I took recently, as well as other updates to other pages. Until recently, I worked for the DMV, something which was rather stressful toward the end, which made it difficult to work on my projects. This site is one of my larger projects, of course, but I have more than this going on. I have also been working on a geological study of an area of San Diego. Its goal is to create more precise mapping of the marine terraces in the area as well as learn more about the geology of where I live. This project and more have been basically set aside until recently.
Now, as I said, I worked for the DMV. I no longer do. I still work for the state, this time with the Division of the State Architect. I help certify that schools and other essential state buildings are built to proper codes regarding the seismic, structural, fire and life safety, as well as disabled access. It is a lot of fun working with engineers and architects on a daily basis. This new job, as well as no longer searching for a new job, has relieved me of the stress that I was previously dealing with. My mind is finally free. So, with that in mind I intend to be working on updating this site and adding a lot more to it.
In addition to the new job, something else has also come up. While not under the best of circumstances, I have recently become president of the Ridge Route Preservation Organization, a group that is dedicated to preserving and protecting the historic Ridge Route between Castaic and Gorman here in southern California. I think it will be a lot of fun and I look forward to meeting with the many other groups that can help our cause.
Working on this site has brought me a lot of joy over the years and will continue to do so for many more. I hope that the site has helped increase the understanding of the geology and infrastructure that makes up southern California. Thank you all for your support.