Hello all,
The Ridge Route in Southern California needs your help. The Ridge Route Preservation Organization has put together an online petition to help get the roadway back open and in working order. It has not been fully open to traffic since 2005 and is in need of your support. Please sign this petition to get the legislators and the Angeles National Forest to fix what they did wrong. More details are on the site for the petition.
Thank you for your time and efforts!
My grandparents traveled this route in 1923 when they moved to southern California. At one point some college kids in a Packard passed their Model T, making rude calls and gestures in the process. Later on, my grandfather passed them when their car had broken down. He probably should have helped them, but didn’t since they had been so insulting before.
So Sad that the ANF screwed up allowing historical Right of Way to revert. This is a major loss to the public, and should be corrected.
Yes, unfortunately it may well take a literal act of Congress to get the issue resolved between the County and the Forest Service.