
Updates to Highway Logs

As a way to keep track of the immense amount of data regarding old highways, I created highway logs to store the data. They were originally designed after 1940’s state highway logs from the Division of Highways. I have made them available on this website on my Site Documents page. The logs for US 6 and US 99 have recently been updated and have been uploaded.

Ridge Route Update

Representatives from the Ridge Route Preservation Organization, including myself, recently met with a few people from the Angeles National Forest regarding the Ridge Route. A summary of the meeting can be found on the site – .

Site Update – HTTPS

This site is changing to https instead of http. I’m hoping that the changes I have made to the files are working properly and will redirect to the https version of the site. If you’re experiencing trouble, please let us know.

SoCalRegion is moving

This site will be moving to a different host in the next week or so. Outages may occur during the move and pages may have errors. Hopefully, it goes smoothly.

US 466 Tour Expansion

Fairly deteriorated paving east of Mojave.

After a long hiatus, my US 466 tour is getting expanded. I recently went on a motorcycle trip covering the roadway and most of the old alignments from Morro Bay to Barstow. Watch for updates in the coming weeks as tour stops get added. At this time, the tour is more than half complete.

Virtual Tour of US 466