My name is Michael F Ballard. I am 46 years old. I was born in Santa Clarita, California and resided there from 1978 to 2005. The area underwent a period of almost explosive growth during that period and changed greatly. I saw roads go from quiet two lanes to busy six lane thoroughfares. I saw onion fields turned into a shopping mall. Whole hills were torn down and dispersed as fill somewhere else. The population nearly tripled as well. The original goal of this site was to expand the knowledge of the people in the hopes that it may help to save some of the past. I still hold onto that goal today, though the focus of the site has changed somewhat. I have always striven to publish only the best data and information on this site. Education is important, as it should be. After all, to know the past is to know the future.

I am a geologist, albeit not by trade. I have been studying geology for most of my life. It started when I was in kindergarten picking up rocks in the playground at Mitchell Elementary in Santa Clarita, California. I wanted to know more about it. Where did it come from? How was it made? The rocks that intrigued me the most were small flow-banded rhyolite clasts that came out of the Mint Canyon Formation, the rock formation around Mitchell Elementary in Santa Clarita, CA as well as where I lived. Through the years, I studied these rocks and others, eventually trying to find the source of these rhyolites. I searched the local area for older rocks, learning that conglomerates are made of older rocks. The only other volcanics I could find were basalts from the Oligocene Vasquez Formation. It took a bit longer before I found that the San Andreas Fault had moved the source by a couple hundred miles. These rhyolites are from the Orocopia Mountains east of Indio, CA. Through this process I took a big interest in Structural Geology. I wanted to know more about how these rocks were able to move so far and what they went through during that process. It is an ongoing project and it really teaches you about how Southern California became what it is today. Without the San Andreas Fault, however it may be perceived by those living here, the great megalopolis of Los Angeles may never have existed. It is a direct consequence of that fault that the mountains that rise so steeply north of Los Angeles, that squeeze the rain from the clouds and block the desert winds, helped establish the early resources that allowed the cities of Los Angeles and beyond to be built.
Currently, I live in San Diego, California. I moved here in October 2005. I am working toward a degree in Geology. On November 30, 2016, I married the love of my life, Nathan Beste.
In August 2011, I sold my car, a 1994 Toyota Camry Wagon. From August 2011 to early November 2012, I was carless. It wasn’t that much of an adjustment for me, as I rode my bicycle more than I drove. Bicycling is a lot of fun, healthy, and a great way to get around the city. I don’t ride as much as I used to but still enjoy going out when I can.
Bicycle touring is another fun way to travel. On June 24, 2001, I started a bike ride from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to Santa Clarita. It took me seven days to complete the ride and was 505 miles long. On July 31, 2009, I started my second major bicycle tour. I went from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR, then east along the Columbia River Highway to Hood River, OR, then around Mt Hood, returning to Portland, OR. In June 2010, I finally rode the Big Sur coast.
While I never really saw myself on a motorcycle, circumstances ended up changing for me that pushed me to get one. I obtained my Class M1 license at the end of October 2012 and got a motorcycle a couple of weeks later. It was something that changed my life quite a bit, more than I expected. I’ve been traveling the highways by motorcycle as well as bicycle. Both are quite fun and a good way to enjoy the scenery. I enjoy motorcycling and exploring new areas with them. You’ll usually see me out on the roads in my Alpinestars GP Pro Tech-Air motorcycle suit. I currently ride a 2018 Honda CBR650F, which is a lot of fun to ride. It has allowed me to explore far more of southern California than a bicycle would alone.
From August 1998 to August 2021, I adopted a section of Interstate 5 in Kern County between postmiles 6.00 and 8.00 in both directions. It is fun and, at times, I get to directly help the traveling public. I get a sense of pride when traveling that stretch, as I have worked to keep it clean, when I get the chance to travel there. I have also adopted two sections of former US 80 in San Diego County under the name – Road Scholars. In April 2017, I also adopted a section of Interstate 8 in San Diego County between postmiles 44.9 and 46.9 eastbound. This is the section from Sunrise Highway to two miles east. Please, join me in adopting your own section of highway, or helping with my own cleanups. You drive it all the time, why not help to make it cleaner too. You may be surprised at how rewarding it feels.
I also enjoy travel and exploration. So far, I’ve been to 46 states, missing South Carolina, Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii. I’ve traversed all of every State highway in California, all of I-5 and I-10 across the US. One goal of mine is to travel to all of the 50 states and most of the National Parks/Monuments. The only one I haven’t been to in California is Channel Islands. Santa Catalina Island isn’t a part of the park, but I have been there. My highway goal for the year 1999 was to have completed every State highway in California. On December 12, 1999 at 9:37am, I completed the last route I needed – SR-115 at the junction with SR-111 in Calipatria.
I’m also getting into ham radio. I have a Technician Class license and am working on expanding my radio reach. I listen in on occasion and generally have my HT with me when I travel.
In early November 2018, I was elected president of the Ridge Route Preservation Organization. I have a lot of work ahead of me with this new task but I do feel that we as a group will persevere. In November 2020, I founded the Historic Highway 99 Association of California, which endeavors to get the historic sections of the route signed, increase awareness of the historical value of the roadway, and help the various towns along the way through increased tourism.
love the work you do, Michael .. especially the history of California highways and the historical maps you’ve posted and collected .. truly and totally awesome stuff!
Michael, just want to thank you… I stumbled on your “old” site in the late 90s and because of it I was able to ride my Yamaha XS11 (!) on the Ridge Route from Castaic to Gorman prior to its closure in 2005. (This was a highlight of a cross-country solo trip.) I think I still have a photo of by bike in Swede’s cut. Glad to see you’re still exploring on 2 wheels, your site is even more fascinating now! Best wishes for 2020.
HI Michael, I cam across your trip to (old) Isabella and some photos and asked my mother, who had grown up there, to let me write down all she could remember and I have completed a monograph with photos about the 40 people who lived there 1924-1932. If you are interested (mostly photos), I will email it to you. Thanks! Louise Hoff
Hi Michael,
In viewing your wonderful website I was inspired to contact you regarding a couple of historic fact finding missions I am currently on.
I grew up in north Corona, Norco, in the 50′ and 60’s, As a tyke I used to go with my family to the beach, Knott’s and Disyneyland through the Santa Ana canyon. It was a wonderful and mysterious journey down the canyon back then before the new 91 freeway. A lot more vegetation on both sides of the road and amazing rock formations on the south side in places.
I remember a place on the right as you left Corona called Lasky’s, or Lasky Camp. The name, I’ve discovered, comes from the 20’s era when film producer Jesse Lasky had a ‘camp’ in the canyon. I believe it was a staging area from which they shot movies in the canyon.
What I remember is an establishment, like a cafe or truck stop with the name Laskys on it. We never stopped there but I definitely remember it.
So, I’m trying to dig up any old photos of the east end of the canyon that my show the place, or even photos of it proper.
I’d appreciate any advice on where I might look.
I’m looking for a highway map of the original Route 6 of the Grand Army of the Republic Highway from Bishop to Long Beach, with another current map along the same route. I am interested in exactly where it passes through certain streets. Do you have any links directly to those maps?
I have maps that would cover that. Any particular section of interest? The routing through Los Angeles didn’t change much. It mostly ran along San Fernando Road and Figueroa Street to Pacific Coast Highway.
My great-grandparents, Dr. & Mrs. James Hovey Bullard, collected large rocks from Mint Canyon in 1910-1920’s for their garden in Echo Park. I have his diaries and recently was traded copies of their historic photos for nearly 1 ton of these beautiful rocks they collected from the current owners of the home that is being re-landscaped. We just placed them in our garden 100 years after they originally collected them. Would appreciate sharing our photos, diaries and learning more the geology of these beautiful stones.
Interesting formation in the Mojave desert in Calif City area.
Cadillac Butte, 2,500 year old raptor nesting sites along the ledges.
In my search to find information about the geological history of Santa Clarita, I found your website. The information is very informative, and I thank you! I am searching for information about a series of domes used for rock climbing off Rush Canyon Road, near the Rowher Flat OHV area. USFS calls these formations Table Rock. The climbers call it Texas Canyon. Please let me know if you have any information.
Those are composed of the Texas Canyon section of the Oligocene Vasquez Formation. The rocks outcropping are steeply dipping sandstones and conglomerates which are more resistant to erosion, hence their presence.
Hi Michael, been trying searching for HWY99 man.
Your pages are absolutely fascinating. Thank you.
Thank you for your compliments. They are greatly appreciated.